Episode 77
Our Relationship to Our Resources: A Solo Episode with Kate Kavanaugh
Our relationship to resources shapes the world. Our food, our clothing, our devices, our building materials and the infrastructure that underpins moving them from place to place. On this podcast, we've explored a lot around food as a resource - its impact on land and human health and some of the inputs and externalities of our food system. Now, I'd like to take a turn to explore some other resources and the ubiquitous, yet unseen, infrastructure that moves them to us and our waste products away from us. Coming episodes will be filled with this exploration and so I want to give us a little primer on why this became so interesting to me and why it matters.
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email: kate@groundworkcollective.com
Current Discounts for MBS listeners:
- 15% off Farm True ghee and body care products using code: KATEKAV15
- 10% off Home of Wool using code KATEKAVANAUGH
- KateK20 for 20% off Herbal Face Food